Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lose 5 in 7 - Day 3 late post

Today did not go as planned, 100%. Had breakfast as planned, then left for the day of appointments and errands WITHOUT MY COOLER BAG! So by lunchtime, I was at Target and starving! I grabbed a $5.00 four pack of Atkins 150 calorie protein shakes and drank two of them. I had the grocery store on my list of stops, but not till the end of the day, several hours out. It just didn't hit the spot. Dinner was as planned.

Because of the five plus hours between meals, when I'm used to a small meal every 3 -4 hours, I'm totally exhausted - and I know it's because of that and because I missed my workout today.

But it's 1/2 (or 1/3) of a day unplanned, it's not a week or a month. Tomorrow's a new day.
Exercise will be whatever the Crossfit WOD is plus a late run. Meal plan for the day is as follows, and will be a higher calorie day to be sure my "organism" doesn't get used to such low calories and start to conserve energy and slow down metabolically. I'll keep my protein level the same and jack up the carbs in the morning and the fat in the evening.

Breakfast: "Gruel", consisting of 1 single serving of Chobani Yogurt, about a cup of strawberries and blackberries, 1/2 scoop of protein powder and 1/2 serving of whole hard winter oats (oatmeal). This is also pre-workout. Maybe even a cup of coffee!

AM snack - post workout: 8 oz milk with 2 Tbsp Hershey's 50% Syrup

Lunch: Left over salmon (about 3 oz) over big salad of spinach, red peppers, onion, carrots, fat free shredded mozzarella cheese with 2 tsp EVOO and balsamic vinegar. 1/2 pear.

PM snack - also pre-run: 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1/2 cup chopped tomato, basil, salt and pepper

Dinner: Pan Seared Scallops (3 oz) pan sauteed in 2 tsp EVOO with large salad and steamed broccoli.

I'll total calories up in the morning and post them, but I'm estimating about 1500 - 1600, still 120-ish grams of protein, 100-ish carbs and...not sure - over 30% fat.

I'm crossing my fingers on the scale in the morning - worried the Atkins (nothing-natural-in-there) shake may backfire.

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