Well, the inaugural two-man "Team RebelHealth" completed the NYC Men's Health Urbanathlon a few weeks ago, and I'm happy to say that for two middle-aged adventure junkies, we're now fully recovered! No major injuries: a few bruises and calves so tight and bitey, had we not walked the city for the two days after the race, we'd probably still be walking like Frankenstein! All in all, it was an overwhelming success! We were actually overtained. We could have almost double-timed it on the runs and the stairs, and had we done that, we would have made it to the obstacles quicker and avoided the lines (strategies for next year). The race course was absolutely fantastic, even with the overcast skies and misty rains. We ran from mid-Central Park @ the 72nd Street Bandshell, west to Riverside Park, and then south along the West Side Highway and the Hudson River all the way down through the Financial District and Battery Park, and back up to the South Street Seaport. It was amazing to see parts of Manhattan that we'd otherwise not have seen on foot. We stayed along Central Park South on the west corner and explored the Upper West Side neighborhoods for a few days before returning home - what an exquisite part of Manhattan. Very "not midtown" - very pedestrian friendly! We're planning to do it again next year and hopefully entice some of our friends who don't mind a few hours of glamourless activity added to their day!
I have to give another shout out to Big Frog printers who did our shirts, as well as to Jay @ St. Pete Crossfit, who more than prepared us for the obstacles and for "running when already tired" - his strategy. Thanks, Jay!
I got only a few good photos -
this action shot was sort of fun!
As the window of time leading up to the race for next year nears, and the training calendar begins to lay itself out, I'll put the call out to friends, family and clients who might be interested in joining us. It's a little more fun than the standard running race because of the intermittent obstacles, and it's a beautiful time to be in New York City. Until next year...